I'll Stand By You is performed by Cory Monteith. We DO NOT OWN ANY OF THIS MUSIC. "I'll Stand by You" is a song recorded by The Pretenders from their sixth studio album, Last of the Independents (1994). The song was written by Chrissie Hynde and the songwriting team of Tom Kelly and Billy Steinberg, and produced by Ian Stanley. Both versions are available on iTunes, Amazon Music, etc.
"Hi there... my name is Goldie. They named me Goldie, as in "Goldmine Rd." near Monroe, NC where I was found by some good Samaritans on May 27th, 2018... Let me tell ya, life did a number on me, but I'm glad someone found me because I am blind and deaf, could barely walk, my ears were fried and had no idea where I was... I looked like something out of a horror movie, but I knew the day I was saved that life could only get better from here. It's been a pretty rough journey, but I try to be strong for all those who love me, two- and four-legged. A big Thanks to all of you awesome folks who cared enough to rescue me, Teresa Tucker, Beth Greene, Richard Hutchinson, Monroe PD, and Pawsitive Impact NC Dog Rescue!"
After Goldie got home she crashed had to be taken to the ER. Her weight was 2 lbs. The vet said from a scale from 1-10 in terms of weight, she was considered a 2. There were many things wrong with her, but her eyes were the worst and would require surgery. It took a long time for Goldie to gain enough weight to be fit to have eye surgery. Meanwhile, she had to have eye drops and ointments three times a day and which was not a favorite event of hers.
By July, she was finally strong enough to have her right eye removed. The lens had luxated and was terribly out of place. She was in a lot of pain and having that eye removed was a huge relief. Everything healed up quite nicely. Here are some before and after pictures...
On August 24th, Goldie had to have another surgery to remove a nasty mammary tumor and an enlarged and infected uterus. This was a very tough day for her. The surgery was very long and invasive. Her throat was hurting for days from the tube and the antibiotics upset her stomach. Still, this little fighter had finally found what it meant to be loved and was not going to give up. In fact, not long after she started gaining her strength back, she discovered "rolling in the grass" which became one of her favorite activities.
"I’m gonna admit... I’ve been feeling pretty crappy lately and downright depressed, but while I was waiting for my foster mom to check out at the vet yesterday, I overheard them talking about my records and that my name is officially changing. Peeps, let me tell ya, I perked right up!! Could it be true??!! We have what we call a “foster fail”. The definition of a foster fail is someone who took in a foster dog in hopes of loving that dog UNTIL their forever home is found. Sometimes that foster realizes that they ARE that forever home and can’t bear to let them go! Woohoo, I think I just scored the jackpot of homes!" 😜❤️
In October, Goldie discovered she could run. We are sure she knew how to run, but now she actually felt like running! The love of her fosters, now adopters, have given her a second chance at life.
"I have to admit, I love dressing up. My mom & dad make the best outfits for me and even entered me in a photo contest that I won. To think back at the shape I was in when I was found and now, I'm winning photo contests."
Goldie had a vet appointment and overall she had a great report but does need to see a specialist about her other eye and check to see if she is a candidate for cataract surgery. That said, cataract surgery is a quality of life surgery - not a life-saving surgery. The ophthalmologist must evaluate many criteria before determining if a dog can or should undergo cataract surgery. However, it is also true that restoring a blind dog’s vision with cataract surgery can give a dog a wonderful new lease on life. For a blind dog to again be able to see its owner, to play with toys, look out the window and actually see things... this would be life-changing for all of us! Especially true since Goldie is deaf.
The procedures and equipment used to remove cataracts in dogs are the same as those used in humans, and this equipment is highly technical and very expensive. So is this surgery.
"Well, tomorrow is the big day... a visit to the Animal Eye Clinic to get my eye examined. Those folks are awesome and experts in their field, so I’ve been told. They don’t only work on dogs and cats, but on all sorts of critters. Wish me luck!" - Love Goldie May 24th, 2019
"Well, the doc said that I may be able to see again with the surgery. We have to make sure I am a candidate for the procedure before we get too excited. I've included a video for a better explanation." - Love Goldie May 25th, 2019
"May 27th, 2018 was one of the best days of my life. I was rescued because people came forward that actually cared. See, I lived in a small kennel for most of my life and not cared for. I was in really bad shape when I was found but that did not stop my friends from jumping in to save me. I will always be grateful to them all! Check out my before and after pics."
"I'm enjoying this gorgeous 1st day of June. My eye keeps bothering me though. Mom says it’s from the lens trying to shift out of place. The good news is that cool doctor is going to perform the surgery on my eye in 4 days. Everyone is worried. There are some who feel I should be put down. I’ve come so far, I'm a warrior, a fighter, and deserve to continue living this amazing life full of love which I did not know existed until 05-27-2018." - Love Goldie
Goldie's eye surgery is June 5th at Animal Eye https://www.animaleyeclinic.com/.
This surgery is going to cost $3000. Please donate if you can. Any amount will help us reach our goal of $3000.00.
www.pincdogrescue.com/donate Animal Eye Clinic on June 5th